Like, what do you call a glowie from another country?
True Colors Transcript
This is a transcript of the March 6, 2025, RGBots comic.
Panel One
Red and Blue are planning the invasion of Greenland.
Blue: I can’t believe we have been tasked with the invasion plans for Greenland.
Red: I can’t believe we’re actually going to invade Greenland.
Panel Two
Green approaches the planning session.
Green: Alright, guys, I’m here to pick up the plans. What are we gonna do?
Blue: I guess we just take some boats over?
Panel Three
Green leans in and makes a shocking revelation.
Red (off-screen): I guess we put some tanks on a boat?
Green: You fools! You’ve given it away!
Panel Four
Green pulls out a gun.
Green: Surprise. I am from Greenland.
You can ask the RGBots a question any time you’d like and they may answer it in a comic! You can help support the comic with donations and subscriptions to the webhost.