Streaming Disservice Transcript
The following is a transcript of the December 27th, 2022, RGBots comic.
Panel One
Green and Red are in mid-discussion. Green leans in.
Green: Oh yeah, they are even taking down Westworld. Can you believe that?
Red: Oh, it’s won’t stop there, Green.
Panel Two
Red glances downward, thinking about the future.
Red: They’ve already started removing older, legacy content because of licensing fees. Up next? The Sopranos? Gone.
Green (off-screen): No!
Panel Three
Red continues to share the future of HBO Max.
Red: I am pretty sure they’ll soon remove Curb Your Enthusiasm because “Gen Z doesn’t know who Larry David is.”
Green (off-screen): Stop it.
Red: Batman the Animated Series? Removed. They want to make sure it doesn’t compete with their new Batman cartoon.
Panel Four
Green draws a gun.
Green: I said “STOP.”