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Launder Your Money the Trendy Way

A subtext so blatant it becomes plain text.

Launder Your Money the Trendy Way Transcript

This is a transcript of the second February 2, 2022, RGBots comic.

Panel One

Red is conversing with Blue, who is just off-screen.

Red: Saw another trending article today about some artist who was poor who apparently got rich on NFTs.

Panel Two

Red and Blue in the same frame.

Red: It feels like a concerted effort to drive speculation into a ponzi scheme that is going to leave a lot of folks out to dry.

Blue: Pretty much.

Panel Three

Blue elaborates on a point.

Blue: Did the article mention the money launderer who bankrolled the minting of the artist’s work so they could but the NFT to clean their illicit millions?

Panel Four

Red recalls the article.

Red: Surprisingly, the article failed to include that.

Blue: Shocking.

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