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Commercial Break #5

Full moons over my hammy.

Commercial Break #5 Transcript

This is a transcript of the October 28, 2024, RGBots comic.

Panel One

Blue is staring at the reader, directly addressing them.

Blue: It happened again last night, didn’t it? The craving. Before you knew it, you found yourself waking up face down in a pile of shredded flesh.

Panel Two

Closing in on Blue.

Blue: The blood on your lips and tongue are now sticky reminders of your sin. You cough up small pieces of an unidentified pelt that was wedged between a gap in your teeth.

Panel Three

We are now extremely close to Blue as she continues to address the reader.

Blue: Warm tears roll down your cheeks as you realize this will never stop. You will be found out. The cravings will never end.

Panel Four

We zoom back out, away from Blue.

Blue: So fight those late night cravings with the new “Night Owl Slam,” only at Denny’s!

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